Thursday, December 27, 2007

Dear Santa

Thanks for making my Christmas so jolly, festive and relaxing. I probably should have written to you earlier to share my wishlist, but it slipped my mind due to the massive food coma I've been in for the last....oh, since Thanksgiving. That, and I'll be honest, I've been a bit naughty this year. However, I've consistently tried my best to spread cheer to others (girlfriends, male friends, babies in the park, etc.), feed the less fortunate (aka friends and roommates that don't cook), and donate to goodwill (making room for new replacements). If I had composed a wishlist, here's what it probably would have included:

* a new hairdo
* vet shots for Monty
* a beach vacation
* a nice guy for my sister
* an automated color-coded closet organizer
* the ability to command 8 hours of glorious sleep daily

Oh, and world peace. I had to aim high, right?

Thanks, and I promise to be less naughty next year.

Your friend,


Lisa & JD said...

Making room for new replacements ... haha, right on!

Yodawan said...

Next year has not come yet so either tonight or tomorrow evening, I hope you'll be "naughty" enough to have fun.
I'm not 12 + sweet sixteen yet but we are both still young. Don't be pessimistic. Enjoy life in NY ! :-)

v said...

lemme take you to the little hair shoppe and we'll take care of at least the first one!!!

jengray said...

Love it