Every now and then, a stranger compels us to take pause and reach out despite unfavorable odds or less than ideal circumstances. The crowd swirls around you and you simply try your best to hold your ground and unearth the stranger. You drown out the noise until all that remains is a whisper.
Every now and then, you stumble and a kind stranger breaks your fall. You exchange a touch but not what lives in the smallest corners of your mind. The encounter is sweet but short-lived, and you do not seek more.
We cannot command the crowd or the frenzied pace at which it moves. We accept that these collisions, while inevitable, are also a product of chance. We relish the experience, the feeling, the moment. We are thankful for it all because even if the connection is fleeting or flawed, the stranger's impression remains with us. And though we may walk away heavy of heart, we are also enriched by the stranger - a fellow seeker who found us among the crowd and gave freely without regret or promise.

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