Sunday, October 26, 2008


It seems to have been a week of major upsets. Things didn't work out for J. Things doubly didn't work out for P. And yet, they are coping far better than another would in their situations. Perhaps the male mindset really works differently. I imagine it's not easy to appear vulnerable, even in front of gal pals. But something tells me they already have a gameplan and will be okay with whatever the morning after brings.

Bad things happen to good people. I accept that fact of life. But it's tough being an observer. I wish I had better advice to offer or even some answers, but I suppose comforting words (and a beer) will have to do for now.

I heard myself telling J/P to give himself time to gain a fresh perspective and greater clarity on the situation. While I believe in the present and in creating our own opportunities, I also believe that sometimes answers can only reveal itself in time. It can be a painful waiting game, but it also can be very telling and essential to the healing process.

I used to tell A that no man is an island. With good friends in life, no (wo)man should linger in solitude or despair.

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