Sunday, January 8, 2012


I think the last time I made a New Year's resolution was when I was ten years old. I swore that I would stop biting my nails so I could have pretty, feminine hands (i.e. non-tomboy hands). I don't remember how that panned out. This past year, I didn't make a resolution because I think my wish is always the same. I hope to be a more giving friend, a more forgiving person and an unconditionally supportive sister/daughter/partner. I want to nurture my relationships, feed my spirit and frolic in the park with my dogs. I don't want to ever feel indifferent about my life, my goals or my relationships. And, there is always room for self-improvement.

This past year has been one of revelation, liberation and renewal. I discovered and re-discovered people and things when I least expected it (that's the best). I find myself a little older and wiser and sublimely content with just being. Meaningful conversation is the best past-time. Spontaneity is a good motto to follow. Though we don't search for it, there is some form of regret no matter how small or how much we try to deny having even one. But importantly, we learn from it, let it go, and move forward. We try our best to make our own destiny, but just maybe, some things are written in the stars and only time will tell.

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