Thursday, October 29, 2009


Some days I like walking down busy streets just to absorb some of the energy from the crowd. I pass many bustling restaurants and when I peer in, I'm reminded that I don't really miss the after-work crowds or that familiar habit of dining out. My life is now contently quiet. I've stepped away from that lifestyle, and I believe it has sparked lasting change in my life. Whereas I was once consumed by consumerism, I now live by the motto "less is more." I find satisfaction in clearing away clutter in my home and generally, in my life. I donate what I don't use or need, and I re-use as much as possible. When it comes to spending, I live conservatively. I adapt.

Sometimes it takes a drastic change to realize what you really value in life. It takes a shift in lifestyle to appreciate what you have instead of focusing on what you can attain next. And yet, I do try to stay in touch. When the mood strikes, I window-shop from time to time, but it's more about something to do, rather than something to want. Right now, I have this freedom. I can detach. And when the time comes to revisit the working world, I will choose when and how I will be a consumer. I will invest wisely and savor all that I've earned - and saved.

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