Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Haunting

As she leans in to caress my cheek,
She tenderly grazes my lips
And slowly, deeply breathes me in.
She presses her small hands to my stomach
To let me know she is there - and I am safe
And I think, she is goodness personified.

She is my first thought, my first breath
And my constant moon each night.
She is the one I dream of and dream with,
Whose dreams have become intertwined with my own.
And when I look into myself and all that I am,
I see her, my greatest feat of love.

I happily drift to a familiar place,
Wrapped in warmth and the lightness of her touch.
I trace the curves of her face, her shoulders, her hips
Probing and wanting so much on this wintry morning
Only to wake in despair that another season has passed
And as the moon wanes with certainty, so is she lost to me.

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